The State of Java 2021

The rise in the adoption of microservices, and how it influenced the tools and technologies used by developers, was a key finding in last year’s report.

Did this trend continue in the following year, or has adoption reached its peak? Did new Java tools become popular, or do the dominant technologies still remain?

About the Report

Our report looks at the technologies Java developers are using to develop programs today, and gives key insights into the problems they face during development.

Read the report to see the:

  • The biggest issues developers face during development.
  • Average redeploy times for developers.
  • Microservices usage and the biggest challenges in microservices development.
  • Most popular language versions, Java frameworks, databases, and more.
  • CI/CD technologies and habits.

Download the Report

Want to view the full Java developer report? Fill out the form to get immediate access to the pdf version of the report — then download and read at your leisure.

Also see How to Increase Developer Productivity