Looking for the latest Java developer insights?

Our 2021 Java Developer Productivity Report is now available.

Understanding how your developers think and act helps you strategically select the best tools and tactics – from team planning, software requisitions, and process improvements – to elevate your team's performance and satisfaction. This report explores:

  • What developers commonly see as project bottlenecks
  • How well developers understand performance and DevOps
  • How satisfied they are with specific languages, tools, and stacks

Developers Rank the Top Exciting Technologies

Let’s be honest – the most interesting part of these developer productivity reports is about the tools used by teams around the world. We asked more than 2,000 developers what IDEs, languages, application stacks, architecture choices, and databases they are using:

  • IntelliJ IDEA ranked as the IDE of choice, with 54% of the vote
  • Java 8 led the language race, standing at 72% of all answers
  • Split architecture was the top architecture choice at 34%
  • Spring was the top-ranked stack at 46%
  • Oracle DB led the databases race, with almost 1 in 3 respondents saying they use it

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